Techstorm forecast

All major strategic decisions are based on a number of factors. These are, first, an understanding of well-known megatrends (in this case technology); second, the notion that these trends will change the way a company or industry works; and third, the company’s ability to adapt to this new reality.

To help you in this process, I publish a quarterly ”Techstorm Forecast” covering the technologies that are top-of-mind at the moment. Enjoy and let me know what you think...



Speaking of Technological Waves

April 4, 2019. Each week Maria Franzoni, Speaker Bureau Director, invites one of her speakers to talk about their life, work, passions and leisure so that you can get to know the person who is the speaker behind the mic. This episode: Nicklas on Technological Waves.

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How can Europe keep its entrepreneurs?

February 25, 2019. Europe’s position on privacy, regulation and competition could be a key way to attract entrepreneurs who share those values but there is still some work to do in encouraging ambition. What are the main challenges faced by European entrepreneurs today?

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Tech Startups, Is It A (Bubble) Wrap?

February 25, 2019. “A couple of years ago, I stated that I was 100% convinced that we would see a sharp downward correction in the technology market in the not-so-distant future. I am aware of the fact that the more often I say it, the higher the chance that I will eventually be right. The question is not if, but when it will happen and of course also what to name it.”

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Navigating the tech storm a smart list of startups, links, books, technologies, and ideas

January 14, 2019.We spoke to author and the futurist, Nicklas Bergman, who is preoccupied with the question of how technology is changing our society. He shared with us two pieces of predictive analysis for 2019, and how he got to some of his conclusions.

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How Millennials and Generation Z Push the Boundaries of the Customer Experience As We Know It

January, 2019. As a futurist, Nicklas Bergman is preoccupied with the question of how technology is changing our society. In the following conversation, we ask him which phase of digital transformation we find ourselves in and whether we will still be using smartphones in 2025.

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Teknikens roll i framtiden: Så ser världen ut 2050

December 4, 2018. På framtidsmässan i Göteborg var innovation och klimatomställning i fokus. Tekniken blir en allt större del av det moderna samhället, men samtidigt blir forskarnas larm om klimatkrisen allt värre.

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I'll Let You In on a Secret About New Technology: Everyone Has an Agenda

September 1, 2018. It's easy to get caught up in the benefits of new tech, but be cognizant of "techlash" and try to foresee the negatives. If you can, you'll be much more prepared to take on technology and wield it for good.

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Cross-Pollinating Technologies Is the Way of the Future

August 13, 2018. As technological waves grow and mature, smart entrepreneurs seek how to incorporate the tech into their own solutions.

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Technological waves, what they mean and where they come from

February 19, 2018. Throughout the history of mankind, significant changes in how society, business and culture function has followed key developments in our technology.

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